Notes from the Author

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Monday, June 11, 2007

Week 5

Day 29 - Monday (Winter)
What an excellent way to start the week, Agrimony just maxed out her Mechanical skills, which just leaves a few points of Charisma.

Moonshine is really the only one of the cats that Glen likes. He merely tolerates the other two.

Yup, this looks like a good week!

Good Kitty!

You gotta love Agrimony, it makes her so happy when I ask her to clean the house.

"....Happy Birthday dear Burdock, Happy Birthday to You!"

Burdock Leaf
Neat-3, Outgoing-3, Active-10, Playful-10, Nice-7

He may look like his mother, but his personality is more like his father's.

Every now and then Glen and Agrimony find time to be with each other for at least 5 minutes.

This is of course the other thing that Agrimony brought home with her from college. Only one bottle per toddler though, so they better make the best of it.

Potties of the world beware, he can walk now!

Day 30 - Tuesday (Winter)
"Come on honey, say Momma!"

Gosh I'm good! All three toddler skills in one night without the thinking cap!

Burdock is of course now glued to the Wabbit Head, while Agrimony and Glen work on their Charisma skills on mirrors. It's turning out to be a very charismatic morning in the house.

Poor Moonshine was foolish enough to wander into the sticky clutches of Burdock. I should feel sorry for the cat, but it's just too funny :D

Happy Birthday Moonshine!
Sorry old man, but you don't get to quit work just because you're old.

Agrimony seems to spend a lot of time working on pet tricks right before work. Don't ask me why the twit didn't change into her winter gear first, she's just funny that way. It seems that Moonshine is dreaming of his glory days, content that he doesn't HAVE to learn any more tricks.

Yay Sake!

Hello Marissa. Marissa is not one of my favorite sims, but for now we can't afford to be too picky, and at least she's not ugly.

Good boy Burdock, you've trapped her with your magic rabbit head. She'll be incapable of leaving now until you either go to the potty or go to bed.

How nasty can you get? Joe knocked the can over while Glen was putting garbage into it. He didn't even care that Glen was standing right there.

Naturally Burdock trapped him with the magic rabbit head too. Maybe if he's friends with one of the family members he'll leave the bloody garbage alone.

"Another baby? Are you sure you want to do this?"
"The timing is right, and the Plumbbob Diety did say we'd have to have one or two more."

Day 31 - Wednesday (Winter)
Looks like Kim and Sake are at it again, will these two never get along?

Last night's attempts at procreation were a dismal failure, so our daring duo tries once again before Glen has to get ready for work. Unfortunately this attempt was also a failure. Hmm, looks like Glen's gunpowder may be a little damp.

Like so many sim mothers before her, Agrimony finds herself putting her own desires on hold to take care of the needs of her offspring, and finding it oddly fulfilling.

Sorry about that Glen, but this one just doesn't seem to have a GOOD answer. At least you got promoted anyway...

"Get away from my family, you evil zombie you!"

Come on guys, you need to have at LEAST one more baby. It's to save the world after all.
Arghhh!!!! Twice, and still no lullabye! What is the matter with you two? Has the radiation poisoned your reproductive systems?

Day 32 - Thursday (Winter)
Finally!!! After getting a wake up call from Burdock at three in the morning the exhausted couple tried once again, and this time they were rewarded with the sweet little tinkle of music!

"That Sake, he's so darn inconsiderate! Can't he see he's blocking an old man's path to the pet house?"

"Calgon, take me away!"

Time for Agrimony to quit her job. Too bad, but provided no bad chance cards come up, the family has plenty of money saved up. Pregnancy is always hard on Agrimony and with the impending arrival of yet another child it just seems best that she stay at home.

Burdock strikes again trapping multiple wanderers with his magical Wabbit head.

"Hey Mister! Give a kid a bottle will you?"

Poor Moonshine will take his affection wherever he can get it. The family is just too busy right now to spend much time with trained pets.

Day 33 - Friday (Winter)
Kim and Moonshine seem to get along fine, it's only Sake that Kim can't stand. Maybe she should have kittens with Moonshine?

Agrimony and I have been neglecting Kim's training, so it's time to make up for that. This cat is too fat to ever be convincing at playing dead though, lol!

It's Bubble Gum Girl!!

Way to go Glen! You keep on climbing that ladder m'boy!

Sake also fell for the trap of the little yellow bird and wandered into Burdock's domain, now he must pay the toll.

Sake doesn't seem to mind as much as Moonshine though since he decides to settle down next to Burdock for a quick cat nap.

Well, it was bound to happen eventually, and Glen gets stuck repairing it!

Ready, Set, Grow!

Happy Birthday Burdock Leaf!
Neat-3, Outgoing-4, Active-10, Playful-10, Nice-7

Agrimony seems quite content with her pregnant status.
Incredibly flexible too, considering.

This is Burdock's new room. We went with neutral colors because it will have to serve all children for several generations most likely. It's way up on the third or fourth floor, depending on wether you count the ground floor that no one's allowed to use.

Yvette's timing is great. She looks exactly like another townie that one of my other sims married and she was great. Here's hoping we've found Burdock's future wife.

Day 34 - Saturday (Winter)
"Hee hee, now Kim will now what it's like to be fat and cranky!"

Tomorrow's the big day!

"I'm going to lift these totally unfair education restrictions Dad. It totally sucks that I can't learn to do my homework or go to school."
"Well son, I guess that means that you're spouse better work on getting the military into gear, or the roads to college will still be blocked."

I really should have zombified Stephen and Wanda, but I just didn't feel like it. You never know, they may still become zombies because I can't stand them.

Thanks to Moonshine's antics both on stage and off, Burdock will actually be able to learn non-fun skills! I knew this cat would accomplish great things for this family!

Wow, all the way to All Star, the only bad thing is that with the Adventure restrictions still in place you can't even use the Punching Bag. Bummer.

Poor Burdock, he's gone and stuck himself in a PINK snowsuit for the rest of his childhood. This is Jim Chalmers, another potential future spouse for the family. I'm really trying to pick sims who I've married before that had a favorable aspiration who weren't too ugly. My preference is generally for knowledge sims since they're fairly easy to keep happy.

Day 35 - Sunday (Winter)
"Hey you! It's time!"

Welcome to our little corner of Hades Betony Leaf!

Burdock has one of the highest relationships I've ever seen between a sibling and a newborn, 40/20. No wonder he's so excited, kinda wonder what's up with Agrimony though.

Sorry Burdock, but if you're going to lift the Education restrictions for your Dad, you need to build cleaning skills anyway. You may as well take over some of the household chores so that you're mother can work on her final Charisma point.

As a reward for doing all the household chores I've decided to give Burdock some time off to play with the kitties. He really does love them. All of his wants center around the cats.

Oops! Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time....

With all the cats trying to nap, it's time for Burdock to hit the books.

Agrimony spends whatever time she has left after baby duty and caring for her own needs talking to herself in the mirror. That's never a good sign you know. I guess as long as she doesn't start answering herself she's not too crazy.

Yes, you're butt does look big like this. I'm determined to get at least one of these sims to permaplat. It's looking doubtful as to wether Agrimony will have time to get into the Science track at this rate.

And so, at the end of the week, not a creature was stirring, not even a cat.

Burdock had his birthday, learned all his toddler skills in a day, and then started ensnaring hapless wanderers with his Wabbit head. A few days later he became a child and decided to help his parents out by lifting the Education restrictions when he grows up. Glen made it all the way to All Star, while Agrimony decided to quit her job due to her expectant status. Betony Leaf made her arrival on Sunday, and Kim was expecting her first and only litter of kittens.

Mob Pay-Off:

Household Cash: $41,157