We'd love to adopt you too Alegra, but I think we'd best wait for Culinary to be lifted before we get any more pets.
Three cheers for Moonshine! He doesn't make much difference now, but once Agrimony starts having children this will be a big deal.
"Once a family pet raises to the top of the animal show biz career, they provide some much needed entertainment to the house’s youngsters. With their minds finally stimulated, they can finally focus on school work and learning. "
Now that Agrimony's raised her aspiration a bit it's time to use the first thing that she brought back with her from college, the elixir of life!
Day 16 - Tuesday (Winter)
It looks like glen and Moonshine are going to get along just fine when he moves in. Meanwhile, Agrimony is getting to know Hatbox. I'm actually more of a dog person than a cat person, but given the difficulties with house training puppies when there are stairs involved, only cats will be bred here until politics and natural science have been lifted.
A little anti-climatic, especially since Kim would have gotten the promotion anyway, but whatever!
Day 17 - Wednesday (Winter)
Why should I foul human?
Day 18 - Thursday (Winter)
"Kim! We just installed that flooor! Good thing it's not the old fashioned kind of floor that stains and holds smells forever!"
Cross your fingers folks! Today could be the day that Agrimony dispels the feeling of hopelessness from this town.
I love this thing! I'm not sure how many cats it can deal with at once, but it's much more efficient than the beds and the lame scratching post, plus I can move it. Too bad Agrimony didn't think of that when she first got Moonshine.
Yes dear, now you can get a job in science, and Tuesday you can get married and start producing heirs. Not mention getting showers and stuff.
“It is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness.”
"Once your founder reaches the top of a career (ANY of the 14 careers, it doesn’t matter which) they show the region that the worst is over, and that things can and will begin to get better. A few Sims are even willing to risk traveling the streets to be with the regions new and only ray of hope."
"Once a culinary master emerges from the household, they invent new ways to preserve food, and better ways to cook the artificial food. They have learned to rewire home appliances so they can be used again. They also open up supply chains to coffee growers. All culinary restrictions are lifted."
Day 19 - Friday (Winter)
*a/n: you'll note the lack of snow on the porch which proves it's under a roof. Pinstar said everything must be placed under a roof. I'm counting overhangs from upper levels as roofs, it amounts to the same thing.
Agrimony finally gets to eat whatever she wants, whenever she wants, which happens to be salmon tonight. (err, it's extremely early Friday morning if you want to get technical about it)
An odd angle for the photo, but the point is that Moonshine and Kim both work today which leaves Agrimony free to skill build, unfortunately for her Science was not the job offered in the paper today.
This country sink is actually rather hardy as sinks go, it seems to break less frequently than some of the more expensive ones.
Day 20 - Saturday (Winter)
Saturday was a slow day, nobody worked, and none of the pets needed training. Agrimony spent the time learning more about the cleaning power of bleach.
That is, until Alegra stopped by. Alegra really likes this household, she stops by almost everyday, and usually manages to play with Moonshine. I think we should reward her for her diligence.
Of course, around dinner time the phone started ringing off the hook. Did anyone want to talk to Agrimony? Of course not, they all just wanted to leave snide little messages about her disappearing off the face of the earth. Really great friends you have Agrimony.
Foul human, do not call me such sugary names!
Day 21 - Sunday (Winter)
For all that Kim is a rather foul-tempered pet, she is at least clean. Especially for a pet that is supposedly a pigpen. Go figure. One more reason why cats are superior to dogs in the sim world.
Collection Day. I realized after I took the photo that I forgot to do the dining set, so I did it afterwards.
Agrimony, Moonshine, and Kim all managed to reach the top of their careers and lift/suppress
their restrictions. Agrimony lifted Hopelessness and Culinary, Moonshine suppressed Show Business Pet, and Kim suppressed Security Pet restrictions. The household account currently resides at $4,687. Be sure to catch next week's blog because Agrimony will be getting married and having a kid or two!
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