Notes from the Author

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Saturday, June 9, 2007

Week 2

Day 8 - Monday (Winter)
This may take awhile, Moonshine is a doofus, and Agrimony doesn't have really high charisma, and it's not fall.

"Pleased to meet you Brandi"
Brandi happens to be one of my favorite townies, so hopefully she'll marry into the family in the next few generations.

Day 9 - Tuesday (Winter)
It's server day! Agrimony can actually call her friends! Hooray!

Day 10 - Wednesday (Winter)

Why didn't you beat him up? You've got full body points, you could have taken him! Agrimony lost her car, her chair, and her bookcase. On the upside, I can replace them with better ones now, I think.

Moonshine of course couldn't care less about the burglar, but what's this? There's food on the counter! This at least is very realistic!

Agrimony did at least finish teaching Moonshine how to speak before they both left for work. Cross your fingers for promotions folks!

Yay! Sous Chef! Only three more promotions to go!

Poor Agrimony doesn't have much time for skill building, she spends most of her time trying to keep the house neat and herself clean.

Moonshine got a promotion too! The upside is more money, the downside is less skilling time for Agrimony since she'll need to teach the little dummy how to roll over.

"Hello Grace, I've already got one pet, but there are three restrictions to be suppressed, do you think you'd be interested?"

Day 11 - Thursday (Winter)
It's early, but hey, they've got to work on Moonshine's tricks, and this raises fun and social!

With the day off, and Moonshine away at work, Agrimony finally has some time for skill building.

Hooray for Moonshine, he's only one trick away from the top.

Agrimony's finally been given a good bed. She's in top shape so she doesn't worry about all the bad things out there because she knows she could kick evil's butt!

Moonshine still won't pee in the toilet on his own, but at least now he makes his messes outside.

Day 12 - Friday (Winter)
Don't worry Moonshine, she's not really dead, but this is your next trick, so learn it well.

Moonshine, I think I love you!

How like a cat, block the only access to the house while taking your nap.

Almost there Agrimony!

"Hello Kim, do you know that soon I'll be able to have pet food bowls?"

Kim makes pet number two. We'll really need for Agrimony to reach the top soon in order to keep these two fed, but at least we can get them to breed eventually ensuring a constant flow of career animals until criminal has been lifted.

Lazy, Friendly, Aggressive, Pigpen

"By jove, I think he's got it!"

Looks like Kim will be our security pet.

No promotion, and you brought Jan home with you? Do you hate me or something?


Day 13 - Saturday (Winter)
Thank goodness for poorly trained animals!

Day 14 - Sunday (Winter)
I suppose you're right Moonshine, she would be useful for some of our teens...

How are you two ever going to have kittens if you keep picking on Moonshine?

"Hey you! I've got a bone to pick with you! Why am I a cook? Huh? Who's ever heard of a knowledge sim being a cook! I want to be a scientist!"
One more promotion dear and you can become a scientist for all I care.

Agrimony's off to work for the second time today in her new "Zombie-Crusher X200".

Collection day. Bah!

Agrimony didn't do too bad this week. She managed to get to Level 9 of Culinary and adopt a second pet, Kim, who was placed in Security. Between promotions and chance cards, the house is coming along nicely too. You'll see next time, because I saved all my renovations for after she had paid off the mob.


Anonymous said...

Hi NightRowna, thank goodness you've fixed your comments. I tried to leave a comment yesterday, but it wouldn't let me. So sad to see the other family go, but hopefully this one will work out. Yay for the dude being Chief of Staff, so when she gonna marry him??
Also looking forward to your prosperity challenge update. Looks like my legacy won't be making a come back. So I suppose I'll have to work on my other story. But at least I have your stories to read and keep me entertained. Great update, can't wait for more. Update soon!

NightRowan said...

Sorry about the comment glitch. Unfortunately it took me awhile to look through the coding of my other two blogs and find the code I wanted for the comments in the sidebar. Once I'd done that I realised that I hadn't customized the rest of the comment options.
Too bad about the Zins and the Bryleys, but I guess it will give me some incentive to get up to date on the Darker Shades.
She won't get to marry Glen until Tuesday of Week 4 because she won't reach TOC until at least Thursday of Week 3, and since the Gamer restriction is still in place she can't invite anyone over except on Tuesdays, bummer, huh?
I'm really looking forward to working on the Cormier house from out in B.C. I think my folks will get a kick out of seeing their dogs on the computer, and I know my mother in particular was curious about how Annie and Wiggins puppies would grow-up. I can't guarantee when I'll write it, but look for it sometime between the 18th and the 23rd. It all depends on how much time I spend by myself once I get out west, lol.