Notes from the Author

To view this blog as I intended it, it's best to have your screen resolution set to 1152 x 864. If your screen is set at 800 x 600 I can guarantee that your not seeing the entire pictures. Of course, it's all up to you, but I thought I'd warn you!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Week 18

Last week was plagued by game crashes, but we survived it in the end. I've become religious about saving 4 or 5 times per day and always after a major event. As for the Leafs, well it was mainly a family time week. Dittany grew up into a not too ugly child, although I hate her hair and upper lip. Cassia gave birth to Dill and Daisy. The family spent a lot of time together and relationships were at an all time high. On the more job/apocalypse oriented side of things, Camphor finally topped Politics and moved out. As soon as he was gone the lot had some major renovations. Not only do the Leafs have a much bigger house, they also got a swimming pool and a skating rink. Benjamin topped Gamer, so I require nothing more of him now than to satisfy his children's wants. Agrimony made a huge fuss about the fact that her bed isn't on this lot, but even if it hadn't automatically been sold when the family moved, it's too big for anyone to move.

Day 121 - Monday (Winter)
"Woohoo! My daughter's a genius!"
Poor Cassia is having a hard time keeping up with the house, a child, a toddler, and a baby. I know exactly how she feels.

I guess we'll just have to help her out by having Dill and Daisy grow up a day early.

Daisy Leaf
Neat-3, Outgoing-4, Active-10, Playful-10, Nice-7

Yes folks, we have three clones. Hopefully in the future this won't happen. I finally got sick of this and went and checked out the TSR forums. Found the supposed cure to First Born Syndrome, but I guess you have to do it before the kid is born.

"Oh My Plumbbob! He got bigger!"
Yep, now he has to go hop in the shower so we can see his normal clothes.

Dill Leaf
Neat-3, Outgoing-4, Active-10, Playful-10, Nice-7

I really wish potty training was this easy.

Day 122 - Tuesday (Winter)
"Snow Day!!!"

Yes, that looks about right for a snow day. At least, that's what it looks like at my house, only at my house the boys are fighting and yelling going on too.

These are definitely Benjamin's kids, they leave books scattered everywhere.

Oh my.... The books are breeding...

I never notice it before, but he's got Ben's haircut, how cute is that? The funny thing is, I was worried they'd get Ben's nose. Instead, they all have almost flat noses and Benjamin's deformed lack of upper lip.

"Don't yell at me Nery! It's not my fault! It took this long for the Plumbbob Diety to think of checking her hacks and getting updates for all of them, at least now I can call you!"
(Most of my hacks are useful things to fix EA messes)

Day 123 - Wednesday (Winter)
Burdock! This is the niece you love, the one you used to take care of when her parents were too busy or too tired, remember?

"So the ghost got you too kiddo, huh?"

Poor Cassia always seems to end up having to do everything. Benjamin never spins up wants about his kids, and they rarely spin up wants about him.

These two match just a little two well, I mean, they have the exact same personality, they look like twins, and they even color coordinate their clothes. It's a bit scary.

Day 124 - Thursday (Winter)
Knowledge sims, sheesh, you'd think she got the A+.

Sparkle Stomp time!

Dittany Leaf
Aspiration: Fortune
LTW: Own 5 Top-Level Businesses
Neat-3, Outgoing-4, Active-10, Playful-10, Nice-7

Great, just great, I was going to have her lift Music, but I guess she better lift Business. I've never even had ONE top-level business, let alone five, I guess it's time to learn. At least her clothes aren't too horrid. Thanks to the two people who voted, I'm not being sarcastic, I hate choosing aspirations. I kinda wish it would decide for you based on personality and interests. I'd use the dice, but I always seem to roll Romance.

Being a Fortune sim, of course she wants a job. I specifically chose a job that I don't care if she gets fired from. After all, it's only a teen job.

Day 125 - Friday (Winter)
This thing is Deity sent to Fortune sims everywhere. Especially ones stuck without money trees, besides, it's less draining than tending to money trees.

"Can I say it?"
I suppose, go ahead.
"Snow Day Again!"
Great, that gives plenty of time for skilling, and Dittany won't have bottomed out needs before her first day of work!

"Come on Caraway, the kids have a snow day, bring your family over so they can meet Daisy."

You'd never know that Dill is the nice one.

Congratulations Dittany! One more to go!

The family is swarming, you know what that means...

Daisy Leaf
Neat-3, Outgoing-4, Active-10, Playful-10, Nice-7

It's a good thing your sister became a teen yesterday, because the ONLY difference between the two of you is your skirt.

"Heh heh heh, he falls for it every time!"
I guess so, since you did it not two minutes ago.

Day 126 - Saturday (Winter)
Even with her children old enough to be more independant, Cassia still has to do everything around this house. Asking Ben to do anything is like asking most husbands, he moans and groans until Cassia does it.

"Nice wolf! Your eyes are very strange..."
"All the better to bespell you my dear."

"Where'd it go? I know it was back there a minute ago."
Lol, the faces they make when they're learning to Slap Dance are almost as good as the smustle faces!

"I heard Uncle Camphor is an astronaut and he looks really funny when he goes to work."
"You should have seen your father in that ridiculous get-up!"
A little morning hen party. Come on, you know it happens all the time. Not at my house mind you, I'm the only female living with four males. Even when we had pets they were male, I'm being slowly poisoned by testosterone.

Cassia's got all of her skills at level eight or higher, so I thought she deserved a trip downtown.

"Silly old people, don't they know that arcades are for kids?"

"I want HIM!!!"
Can't say I blame you, he is rather cute.

In the end, she decided Randy was hotter though.

"So, like, maybe I could call you when I get back from work?"

Now go buy a cellphone so you're not hogging the family line.

I haven't been paying attention to Cassia and Ben today, so I went looking for them. I found them hiding out on the third floor, they were rather busy though, so I decided to leave well enough alone.

The little ones were busy with the studying of course. Really, there's only so much 'Play with Mom' 'Play with Dad' I can take.

Way to go Dittany!

"Why are you making me dance with my father?"
Because I'm trying to see if we can get you a dance scholarship.
"Money? Why didn't you say so!"

"And I'm shooting pool because....?"
Two words, scholarship and hustling. Besides, you got sick of dancing with Ben.

Day 127 - Sunday (Winter)
Smustle Faces!
Thought I forgot, didn't you?

I guess dancing with your semi-cool mom is better, huh?

Congratulations Dill, you've finished building all necessary non-hidden skills for full scholarships. You've got three days to enjoy being a kid, go to it!

OH MY... Cassia! That's a wolf!
"I know, isn't it awesome!"

Genius, Hyper, Independent, Aggressive

Do you learn faster if you play in your underwear?
"I don't know, but I thought I'd try it out."

This is what you're going to do with your freedom?

"You're not so scary, are you Hazel?"

Dance Party in the Kitchen!

This is the only problem with wolves. They love garbage.

"Hold still so I can wash you!"

I know we should discourage this type of thing, but it's so adorable. I still don't get why Maxis/EA didn't code it so that dogs sleep at the end of the bed. There should be room for one big dog and two sims, or two sims and two small dogs/cats.

Summary: Whew! That was a busy week. Let's see, Daisy went from baby to toddler to child, Dill became a child, and Dittany became a Fortune teen. Cassia decided to adopt a wolf named Hazel, and nobody except me thought she was crazy. Dittany and Dill both got all the non-hidden skills they need to have full scholarships, and Daisy only has cleaning left to work on. Dittany topped her teen career and is currently working on earning dance and pool scholarships. Who will be the heir is still up for grabs. Don't forget to keep voting on aspirations for Dill and Daisy. I think I'll decide in college who will be heir. I'm considering giving up on updates about the extras, let me know if you guys want to keep hearing about them or not.

Mob Payout: $2,700
Household Cash: $404,986

Around Waknuk This Week
The extras started out having a good week, but half way through the week we had a couple of major glitches that made me decide to start the family on a lot I've made next Monday, so they only got played till Thursday morning this week. I think I'll also be breaking up the households into two smaller houses. I'm really not sure if I want to keep playing them on a regular bases. It might be kinda fun to have Great-Great-Great Uncle Camphor wandering around.

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