Notes from the Author

To view this blog as I intended it, it's best to have your screen resolution set to 1152 x 864. If your screen is set at 800 x 600 I can guarantee that your not seeing the entire pictures. Of course, it's all up to you, but I thought I'd warn you!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Dittany and Dill Do College

Welcome to Fiesta Tech Generation D

Freshman Year

Dittany Leaf
Aspiration: Fortune
LTW: Own 5 Top-Level Businesses
Neat-3, Outgoing-4, Active-10, Playful-10, Nice-7

The first to arrive was Dittany.
"Excuse me?"
"Where's the dorm, or a house, or anything?"
Well, you see, after rereading the rules, I realized that I can't prebuild your house to get you a discount on building costs. Hold on a couple of minutes while I wave my magic wand.

"You're kidding, right? It's drywall, and I have practically no furniture. I don't even have a shower."
You've got the essentials, and you can earn some more money. Much as I hate heading downtown during college because your exams end up at odd hours of the day, I think you'll need to either go DJ or hustle some pool. Of course, you could stay home and write a novel, but that takes quite awhile to pay off.

"Drama? But I want to unlock Business!"
Too bad, I've decided since Daisy's LTW is the easiest to fulfill, she's the heir, and you need to unlock Show Business so she can get some of those dates done in college. Hey, on the upside, when we do get Business unlocked, you can open a fashion salon.

I hope you're as good at pool as you think you are, because we just bet most of what's left of your money that you can beat this guy.

It doesn't inspire confidence that you look so shocked that you won, you know.

This is the only great thing about less than neat sims, they'll submit to sponge bathing much more quickly, of course, they lack the primp option which I'd prefer.

Now go work on a novel. That pool thing took forever, for a measely $150. Next time I'll have you work in the cafeteria or the coffee bar.

That's going to be the stinkiest, greenest snow angel ever.

"So Prof, I need to miss a few classes, so I can stay home and write a novel to earn some cash. I mean, you see the hovel I'm forced to live in?"

You must really be desperate for good marks to give this loser your first kiss, even if you do have a two bolt attraction. Only problem is, her grades aren't going up.

Darn it! I forgot about Drama teachers. At least it's not too late to switch her to Economics.

Aww sweetie, I'm sorry, it's all my fault.

Even after paying the mob their $600 for the semester, Dittany had enough money left over for a cheap shower. Yay!
"Yeah, yay, now get out and let me enjoy it."

Dittany apparently has a thing for Professors, but that can work in our favor.

One good thing about cheerleaders and mascots, they always have homework that Dittany can tutor them with.

Shouldn't the teacher be friends with the mascot?

I guess we should be grateful. After all, the Leafs haven't been robbed for four generations, their luck was bound to run out eventually.

Sophomore Year

It took until the beginning of sophomore year, but she finally did it. Maybe I'll get her a proper fridge and a microwave.

"You know, I really need a good grade this term sir..."

"There's a crazy man here saying I'm fat! I'm so not FAT!!"

Junior Year / Freshman Year

Dill Leaf
Aspiration: Family
LTW: Raise 20 Puppies or Kittens
Neat-3, Outgoing-4, Active-10, Playful-10, Nice-7

So this is when Dill shows up and moves into the hovel. Luckily he brought all of his scholarship money with him!

Biology for Dill, he's going to lift Natural Science before moving out somewhere to breed boxers.

The kids invite over at least one friend a day to keep relationships up. As you can see, there have been improvements to the hovel. In fact there's even paint and a new bedroom upstairs for Dill.

Renee was invited over, and she decided to teach the kids how to 'Chest Pound'.

Oh oh, looks like the coach caught Dill too. It really seems like he shows up rather randomly.

Dill is slightly less sleazy than Dittany. He still befriends his teachers, but at least he doesn't sleep with them.

Poor Dittany, even sleazy college students eventually must do a little homework.

How sweet, you invited your clone for a visit!

Sophomore Year / Senior Year

Please don't fry yourself.

Oh wow! I can't believe it, you two are doing your homework. What happened, the teachers caught on to you?

I really wish you two would stick with breaking the plumbing, at least that can't electrocute you.

Most of this year was spent with Dill learning the skills he'll need to make it quickly to Ecological Guru, while Dittany suddenly expressed an interest in spending time with Prof. Pong without the hidden agenda.

"I better not end up with ugly clothes!"
The folks reading this won't find out till next time, and your going to make sure that you can buy nice ones anyway.

Despite Pinstar's harsh mob fees for college students, Dill and Dittany managed to accumulate $7,865 and a lot of home renovations. It's probably a good thing that Dittany wasn't in charge of the decor though, because all she wanted was expensive paintings and band instruments.

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