Notes from the Author

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Saturday, January 12, 2008

Week 13

Last week was amazing and incredibly eventful! Hotty Glen passed away leaving his loving family fairly distraught. The same evening Caraway became a teen and two days later Cassia and Camphor became children. Burdock, Betony and Joe all managed to lift their restrictions on the weekend, which means that we can now use career rewards, phone lines, and the educational system has been restored, although local sims still can't make it to college until the military cleans up the roads. Even better, we can choose aspirations for the teens! I actually was rolling them all along, but at least now I can guarantee that Cassia won't be Romance or Pleasure! Burdock, ever the show-off decided to have his birthday right before the end of the week, and became quite a distinguished gentleman. All in all, it was a great week!

Day 86 - Monday (Winter)
Wowsa!!! That's a lot of cash for getting kids to play video games!

So, how was the first day of legally being in highschool?
*looks at grin* That good huh?

Ever have the feeling that your sims know more than you think? Suddenly my sims are asking to have snowball fights and make snow angels and stuff. I guess even they realize that the pressure is off for now.

Caraway is now the happiest Popularity sim ever! We can use the phone whenever we want! I'll never get him to study now.

Day 87 - Tuesday (Winter)
Very boring Tuesday, but at least Burdock got a promotion! Now send away the zombie!

Betony!!! That's your own snowman!

Sparkle Stomp!

Joe Andrews
Aspiration: Family
LTW: Become Captain Hero
Neat-4, Outgoing-4, Active-4, Playful-7, Nice-6

You know, there's a reason Betony still dresses like a teenager!
(other than the fact that Joe's a bit of a pervert)

I've got to say, you're back rub technique is interesting.

Day 88 - Wednesday (Winter)
Seriously, it's great to finally have some new townies without having to generate them myself, but it's a major P.I.T.A that none of them have phones. If you can't figure out pita, I can't tell ya, 'cause I try not to swear on my blog, too many of the places I advertise it would ban it.

Hmm, I do not recognize your clothes little girl, does that mean that Teen Stuff had clothes for kids too, or that I've overlooked something that came with H&M?

"Dagmar! I missed you so much! I need an aspiration boost, help me out?"
"Do I know you old man?"

I guess she remembered, that or she just isn't that picky. Hurry up you two. The people who sleep in that bed would like to go to bed now.

Day 89 - Thursday (Winter)
Every morning since Joe became an elder, Caraway has been looking for a job in either Science or the Military, but still no luck.

However, today is Betony's lucky day! She found a job as a Security Guard! Good thing too, she only has three more days left as an adult.

"Are you sure I can gain body skills from a book?"
I know it sounds odd, but yes.

Well, that was a fairly obvious choice since it's obviously a take on Bella Goth!

Good luck hon! BTW, I think that's the most attractive work outfit you've had yet.

Wow! That's the first time I've seen that. I was worried for a few seconds.

Day 90 - Friday (Winter)
You could look happier about it you know. OMG!! To bed with you wench, you have to leave for work again in six hours.

We had a rash of broken toilets/showers last night, and nobody had time to repair them, but if Joe's going to insist on waking up at 2 am, he can take care of it.

Wow! You're really making up for lost time aren't ya Bets?
"Don't call me Bets" >:(

Can you really blame me for loving this kid? She's just so cute!

I was beginning to think you weren't serious about making it to the top.

Please no more pink....

Camphor Leaf
Aspiration: Popularity
LTW: Become General
Neat-4, Outgoing-4, Active-9, Playful-7, Nice-1

Pretty Sparkles....

Cassia Leaf
Aspiration: Knowledge
LTW: Become Education Minister
Neat-4, Outgoing-8, Active-4, Playful-7, Nice-6

Yes! I can so let you do that Camphor! Good boy! Cassia, well, we'll see. First you have to lift Law for us. I really am not sure what aspirations go with the new seasons careers. Oh, and I'm awful sorry, but no college for you.

Good boy Caraway! I've been having him look for a job, while forgetting that he needed to maximize his body skills first. Good thing he never found a job, huh? So many rules, so easy to forget. I wonder what new rules Pinstar will come up with when we all get Free Time. Originally I thought it was going to suck, but I'm really looking forward to the sewing and pottery. Plus, from the screenshots, it looks like toddlers may be able to play together now.

Day 91 - Saturday (Winter)
It's Saturday, study minions, study!

Don't look so worried Betony, he'll do fine.
Yes, that's right, Caraway found a job in Science! The main reason science is so high up on my list is that my sims will be able to look at all five jobs, plus start higher up the career track than the paper.

Joe is probably the last sim in the house who's serious enough to meditate, and I'm gonna take advantage of it!

Well, that's not too bad, goddess knows, this family can afford it!

Way to go Caraway!

I doubt Caraway will tell you what that's all about, so I will. Our little Popularity sim just made it to 10 Best Friends. Congrats again Caraway!

I've taught Caraway well, he has no problem with using the chess table to trap people while he makes friends with them!

Camphor just maxed Body! Good, now you can start keeping an eye out for military. It may take awhile, so there's no harm in starting him young, provided he doesn't get fired from it. Slacker is such a pain in the rear, but I've got other priorities.

"Hey!!! These sparkles burn!!!"

Betony Leaf
Aspiration: Family
LTW: Become Captain Hero
Neat-2, Outgoing-7, Active-10, Playful-10, Nice-6

Day 92 - Sunday (Winter)
It's awful hard keeping a Romance sim happy without dates. Just about the only want that he rolls up that we can do something about is to play with family members.

Ooooh! Me Likey!!!!
I figured she might as well gain some fitness while she finished up body.

Good man Caraway! Now try not to get fired.

For someone who wants to reach the top of this career, you always come home with a sour look on your face. Get over it, I'm sorry there's no dating, but it's not my fault. Well, ok, it is my fault, this could be a legacy instead, but it's not, so suck it up.

"Thank Maxis! My back was getting so sore on the beat!"

Just before midnight, Cassia managed to finish maximizing her body score, and that seems like a good place to end the week.

Summary: This week Joe and Betony both became elders and Cassia and Camphor grew into teens. Betony managed to find a job in Law Enforcement before she crustified and Caraway found a job in Science. He then proceeding to quickly reach the top of the teen track. Cassia and Camphor both maximized their body skills, thus allowing them to take jobs in their chosen career fields if they show up in the paper. Burdock continues to trudge his way up the Music ladder, but he's kinda bummed out lately by the lack of romantic action.

Mob Payout: $1,950
Household Cash: $383,503


Anonymous said...

Phew, finally all caught up, you've been busy and I've been sick. I tried this challenge once and got all confused in the first week, so I definately applaud your togetherness in this challenge. Where you've only made slight mistakes, I would have made tons by now, lol.

I hear ya about Cassia, she's very cute. Love the hair.

NightRowan said...

Taryn, your Apocalypse was the one co-written by your boyfriend, right? I did read it. I actually loved the concept and the story telling, but you're right, there were so many mistakes that I thought you were playing with a different set of rules. Of course, if it's not your apocalypse I'm talking about I've just made an idiot of myself, lol.

I adore Cassia, although Camphor is pretty good looking too! Gotta keep those eyes in for as long as possible. If not for the eyes, Camphor would have been the heir and married Brandi. She's one of my favorite townies!

Keep checking in regularly, because I'm on a roll and you don't want to fall too far behind, *grin*

Anonymous said...

Hi Nightrowan

Thats not my apocalypse your talking about, I tried one but never posted about it. I write the Valdin Legacy story, or used to anyway. Started up another story, more serious one. But don't worry, your not an idiot, there are many stories out there so it does get confusing as to which story belongs to who.

I'll be sure to check in regularly for updates, I've noticed the roll your on *smiles*