Notes from the Author

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Wednesday, June 6, 2007

College Years

Unfortunately for me the Knights of Strangetown have met an untimely demise caused I believe by Xavier's always frozen body. Where they have failed a new family will succeed, founded by one brave woman.

Agrimony Leaf
Aspiration: Knowledge
LTW: Become Mad Scientist
Neat-9, Outgoing-3, Active-9, Playful-0, Nice-4

Agrimony spent the first few days at college skilling and doing assignments. Then the search for a possible mate was on.

Not this one then, I actually didn't think he was that bad, except for the nose.

This one neither, huh? I guess Agrimony has a thing about big noses.

Him? He has blue hair and no nose!

She must really like him because she always plunks herself right down next to him at mealtimes.

I'm not really happy with Agrimony's choice, so I'm sending her downtown to look for an older, more experienced man.

Him I can live with. Go talk with him already.

Agrimony decides to stop on the way and scope out the room for someone she likes better and decides that the lounge lizard is hot. No way, no how, not ever. I am not going to look at that outfit for the next lord-knows-how-long.

I rein Agrimony in and send her over to talk to his hotness. The seem to hit it off pretty well. Time for the potential spouse interview.

Good skills....

and a GREAT job! An easy no brainer medical restrictions lifted! You MUST marry this sim.

Back at the dorm Agrimony decides to try out a new look and work on some friendships.

Eventually she does go on a date with Mr.Hotty...

and become Best Friends with him.

She still has time for Mr. No-Nose. I'm holding him in reserve in case something awful happens. I'm really only allowing her this because she just maxed out her Logic.

Agrimony loves to spend her non-studying time shaking her groove thing all over the place, including at guys that she thinks are repulsive.

Secret Society Member #1

Secret Society Member #2

"What's going on? Why do you want me to be friends with those Secret Society freaks so bad?"
Don't ask, you don't want to know.

Secret Society Member #3

"This guy is totally freaking me out, get him away from me."

Mission accomplished, you can go back to your normal life now.

Which of course includes falling in love with Mr. Hotty.

Followed by a swift engagement.

Wow, this guy really gets you hot and bothered, huh?

Maybe a little TOO hot and bothered.

You've got some nice friends there Agrimony.

Please stop heart-farting all over the blue-haired-no-nose guy, pretty please?

Maxed Out Creativity

Maxed Out Cooking

Helping out with the homework around here cleans the place up nicely and adds a little cash to Agrimony's bank account.

Maxed Out Body

Coffee-Table-Yoga!! I've been meaning to have a sim do this forever!

It's almost the end of Agrimony's time at school so she decides to get a little action before heading home.

Of course, it had nothing to do with ensuring that she had a great party, nothing whatsoever.

In the end, Agrimony managed to graduate Summa Cum Laude with four skills already maxed out. Not bad for a poor girl with no childhood. She even has 15 best friends.

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