Notes from the Author

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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Week 14

Last week Joe and Betony both became elders and Cassia and Camphor grew into teens. Betony managed to find a job in Law Enforcement before she crustified and Caraway found a job in Science. He then proceeding to quickly reach the top of the teen track. Cassia and Camphor both maximized their body skills, thus allowing them to take jobs in their chosen career fields if they show up in the paper. Burdock continues to trudge his way up the Music ladder, but he's kinda bummed out lately by the lack of romantic action.

Day 93 - Monday (Winter)
Crud!!! I never get that one right!

Like he wasn't depressed enough to start with. *sigh*

You know, if you'd stop crying long enough to greet her, I'm sure Dagmar could cheer you up.

Thank you Dagmar! You may be a tramp, but you're useful.

Get out of my house you little punk! I can't believe you just hit an old lady with a water balloon!

Day 94 - Tuesday (Winter)
Glen is a fairly benign ghost, he just wanders around the ground level ignoring his descendants.

Burdock now spends all his time pretending he's still a sexy pirate.

These two drive me crazy. Low time wants all the time, they never want to make out or woohoo. It's awful hard to fill a meter up with back rubs and jokes.

"I'll warm you up Andrea..."
You know, it just occured to me that maybe this is the reason Joe and Betony don't want to do anything in their bed other than sleep. Even that I have to force them or they choose the kids' beds.

Aww, poor Betony. Go get some rest hon.

Day 95 - Wednesday (Winter)
Caraway, what have you done to your parents? All they think about now is you. They don't have any interest in your brother and sister, or in each other. Come on, where'd you hide the brainwashing device, and can I borrow it?

Burdock actually thinks that Marylena is fairly repulsive, but hey, he's not in a position to be picky.

Any love is good love right Burdock? Personally I think Marylena is cute. She looks like she might provide good genetic fodder.

Marylena makes five loves and five woohoos. Of course, now Burdock wants ten. Usually I'd just have him have public woohoo with all his current loves, but he's stuck in the Hut.

"What the?...."

Caraway Leaf
Aspiration: Popularity
LTW: Become Rock God
Neat-4, Outgoing-4, Active-9, Playful-7, Nice-1

What is this? Suddenly my sims have decided that the live in a western movie? Caraway and Cassia now both have extremely western shirts and Betony's is possibly western. Gotta admit, that's an interesting outfit Caraway is sporting, but it kinda suits him. I love the instant promotion to Inventor too! That means he only has 5 more promotions to go. If we're lucky he'll manage it before the twins become adults. The faster he finishes science, the better his chances of topping Music too.

Ben is a potential spouse for Cassia. He's not great looking, but at least he'll bring a bit of diversity to the genepool. First though, we've got to interview him.

Hmm, excellent skills, but.... Either Cassia will have to wait until Camphor lifts Military, or Camphor will have to take on Politics instead. Hmm, choices, choices... Well, I've got a little time to think about it.

Just in case I don't find a better partner, Cassia will spend some time with Benjamin, and Camphor will work on his Political skills. Of course, Camphor isn't allowed to top Politics until Cassia tops Law, so I'll have to make sure to leave at least one skill point unlearned.

Day 96 - Thursday (Winter)
Are you sure it's a good idea to stick a screwdriver in there?

Oh boy, I know I wanted a white man with blond hair as the next spouse, but am I sure I want this?

"You know Joe, we had an arranged marriage and I'd say it worked out pretty well, wouldn't you?"
"Definitely! I've enjoyed every moment of my time with you, my dear."

"Yoo-hoo!!! I'm getting there!"
Congratulations Betony, just four more to go.

Now that's what I like to see, good little sims skilling their brains out!

(Yup, they finally spun up the want!)

Day 97 - Friday (Winter)
"Joe! You dirty old man!*giggle*"

"Snow Day!!!!"
Wow, we haven't had one of those in awhile. I guess you'll be hitting the books again, huh?

I am a harsh mistress. Here it's a snow day, and I'm making them study. Truthfully I did let Camphor try to call some of his friends, but they're all at work.

Silly me! I forgot that we'd unlocked this career reward. Yay chocolate!

I gotta admit, Family sims make the best 'I got promoted' pictures!

Camphor maxed out Charisma!

It's amazing how easy it is to get Knowledge sims to fall for Romance sims. Look at all the Knowledge sims that Ricky dated in college. (shameless promoting of Knowlton Prosperity)

Caraway, you're such a good sim!

Betony's such a great Mom. She decided all by herself to make a turkey!

Day 98 - Saturday (Winter)
Seriously, Saturday was extremely boring. Nobody had work or school. Cassia studied and everyone else was pretty much left alone to do whatever they wanted.

I really doubt that your sister wants to read your diary Caraway. After all, how interesting can it be; "I went to work today and made a new friend"?

Oh my... Caraway! You got Cassia to put down a book! How'd you do it?
"I told her that she needed to build her 'dancing skill' too!"

I finally gave into Burdock's demands for a hottub despite the size of the darn thing. Unfortunately, he loves it so much that he frequently forgets to tend to his other needs.

Day 99 - Sunday (Winter)
The nightly meeting of the Old and Wrinkly Club

Every day this week, and finally one of the jobs comes up! Politics it is for young Camphor.

'And another skill bites the dust'

"Mother! Must you make out with Father while I'm skill building?"

Oh fudge! I forgot to check how old he was! By my calculations he was 68 days old. Bye-bye Burdock, you weren't too bad for a Romance sim, and you were a great uncle!

Man those cards make me nervous with Slacker still in place.

Gah! I'm sorry, I promise you'll still get your chance to be General, ok?

Summary: This week I managed to get Burdock fired first thing on Monday. He spent the rest of the week pretending to be a sexy pirate, woohooing his way up to five loves, nagging at me for a hot tub, which I finally gave him, and finally, passing away on Sunday. Of course, he hadn't had any woohoo that day so he wasn't platinum. Caraway became an adult and moved his way up the ladder all the way to Scholar. With Caraway finally an adult, and the teens not due to grow-up for awhile Betony and Joe finally had time to spin up some wants about each other, and spent most of the week in a platinum mood, even if it was mainly fueled by small interactions like jokes and back rubs. Betony made it all the way to Lieutenant, it seems she may actually accomplish her LTW. Sunday morning Camphor found a job in Politics. He's not happy about it, but he's still doing well enough in that track. Betony spent most of the week skill building, while her mother has started looking around for potential spouses. Benjamin Long is currently at the top of that list just for having high skills and already being a General. He's a slob, he has a huge nose, and his clothes are awful, but I may be willing to put up with it all.

Mob Payout: $2,100
Household Cash: $398,140

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