Notes from the Author

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Sunday, October 7, 2007

Week 8

Last week Betony became a teen and Agrimony became an elder. Kim passed over to the other side right in the main room of the house, and Sake became an elder. Glen finally managed to top Athletic, making him perma-plat. Burdock spent most of his time either chatting up older women in the hopes of future liaisons when he's older, or flirting with Laura-the-Papergirl. There were plenty of sims turning blue from the cold, although nobody actually froze, and a lot of smustling, chores and skilling.

Day 50 - Monday (Winter)

Yes Betony, amazingly enough, it's yet another snow day.

"Agrimony, you're my best friend in the entire world, it's not fair that you'll depart before me, I don't want to have to live without you."
Sorry Glen, Agrimony's already had more than her fair share of time on this earth.

Hey! It's 9:41 in the morning, what's that ghost still doing hanging around?!?

"Hey Dad! It says here that people had these things called lights and it made it bright as day at night, how crazy is that?!?"

Don't look at me like that, it's not my fault! Trying to fill Agrimony's aspiration bar with cat based wants is like trying to empty the ocean with a teaspoon.

Tina, you're kinda scary...

Glen and Tina are by far the best smustlers here, but then again, they used to live in the city, when there was a city.

Well, at least she's floating above the snow now. (A/N-60 days old, I always forget to check before grimmy show's up, so now I'll have a reference date.)

The great thing about an Apocalypse is that it makes for very close and friendly siblings.

Day 51 - Tuesday (Winter)

Seriously, she stood there the entire time he ate, waiting so she could kiss him or serenade him or whatever other romantic gesture popped into her little sim head. So sweet.

They are so sugary sweet!

Well, it's a bit public since it's Tuesday and EVERYBODY is over, but at least he got his first kiss!

Meanwhile Betony's been chained to the chess table with Orlando, her one hope at a teen romance.

That's a dangerous game you're playing Burdock, with Laura right upstairs.

Me thinks she likes what she sees.
Well, maybe you can get a First Kiss out of him next Tuesday Betony.

Meet Joe Andrews, the only adult male that Betony is best friends with. Potential husband? Well lets find out, shall we?

"Ugh! I can't see why Burdock would ever leave me for you!"
"It's called growing-up dear, something you'll never do."

Joe's perfect!! During his interview with Agrimony he stated that he wanted to get married, he's an Aquarius, and he's a Coach with high skills in Body, Charisma, and Mechanical! He'll unlock Adventure for us! (the current vote is 3 Adventure/Gamer, 1 Military/Education) He doesn't have much money, but that's really not an issue for us. We can't spend it on anything anyway.

"I feel so strange..."
Just go with it Glen, it won't take long.

Glen Goldman-Leaf
Aspiration: Knowledge
LTW: Become Hall of Famer
Neat-2, Outgoing-3, Active-9, Playful-7, Nice-4
Wow! Nice threads Glen!

Just keep walking Hippo Lips, we're not that desperate yet.

Further proof that cats see things we normally don't. Mouse saw her long before Laura did.

Darn it Kim!!! Take your buggy eyes and go scare Agrimony, at least she'd enjoy it.

Day 52 - Wednesday (Winter)

Since when do cats take baths, even dead ones?

"Glen is so hot when he's scared!"
Whatever lights your fire dear.

"Now Betony dear, if you're planning on making family your life, you need to learn to be neater."

Joe walked by all by himself, so it's now up to Burdock to become friends with him. You see, I don't like my sims (except twins) to grow-up on the same day, so Burdock will be asking Joe to move in before Betony becomes an adult. Call me old fashioned, but I prefer it if the man is older instead of the woman. As far as I can tell it's all kosher as long as he fathers the next generation.

Skill my little minions, skill!

Yup, it's definetly an Apocalypse challenge, teenagers skilling, strangers in the house, smelly people, empty plates laying around. My prosperity houses never look this bad.

Day 54 - Thursday (Winter)

Bless Agrimony, she must have sensed her end is coming and she finally rolled up some big wants about Glen!

Betony's got all the Mech she'll need for Gamer (if she manages to find it in the paper) so she's moved on to Logic. Best part about this is that she can build up friends at the same time!

Oh darnit! Grimmy was running late today and showed up for Sake at noon instead of 11. Crud, now I'll have to redesign the house around his grave.

Day 55 - Friday (Winter)

So I had to quit the game for awhile in order to bribe my son and his friend with computer time in exchange for helping clean the basement and move furniture around for the upcoming Halloween party. First thing I see when I get back? Kim scaring Abhijeet. I guess they all forgot to tell him it was time to leave when the cat ghosts came out.

Kim! That's not very nice to do when he's filling the food dish!

Jeez! The poor guy can't even pee in peace. I know the feeling, only in my case it's kids, not cats or ghosts.

Life is pretty dull now. Agrimony just meditates constantly, Glen has already reached the top of his career so he spends time building his remaining skills, Betony ropes anybody into playing chess with her, and Burdock has his nose buried in a book about machines.

Always with the cat ghosts, but at least this time it's Sake instead.

Day 56 - Saturday (Winter)

Laura, you're our last hope of getting Burdock into a better mood before his birthday via birthday cake tonight. The true question is whether or not he'll let you help us.

"I'll be brave and swallow this strange blue liquid, but just know I'm doing it for you Laura my darling."
What in the world are you trying to prove by contorting yourself like that Burdock? Didn't work anyway since he just spun up a want to ask her on a date. Poor deprived Romance sim.

"Happy Birthday dear Burdock..."

Good luck kiddo...

Wow, he grew-up well, I thought they had to be in at least gold for that, but apparently even a sliver of green will do it. Check out his outfit! I absolutely love it and it suits his personality and aspirations perfectly!

Apparently Agrimony just broke the news that he'll never move out and have a bachelor pad of his own, and that he'll be stuck here helping to raise Agrimony's brats..... Ooops, no it seems that it's because he's realized that he'll never get to go to Uni and flirt with all the hot sorority chicks.

Blasted sim! He's rolled up a want to be an Adventurer, too bad I say you have to lift Criminal so we can rid of all these blasted cats. Doesn't matter anyway, because the only opening was Education and it's been bumped down my list of priorities. See, I'm thinking since this challenge is so career driven that unlocking Science so that they can use the computer to look for jobs might be higher up the food chain than Military. Hmm, college or computers....

Not that you can tell from the picture, but Betony's just finished maximizing her logic, which means that until she grows-up, she'll be working on her more "wifely" skills.

Day 57 - Sunday (Winter)

No Criminal in the paper this morning either, so Burdock's been chained to the computer writing a novel. They don't need the money (they've got enough for a fairly decent house if it wasn't for Law and Politics) but he needs the creativity for Criminal anyway.

Grill cheese is a stable of life in this household, too bad we don't have any grill cheese sims, they'd be in heaven.

This week we had our first Togetherness Tuesday. Agrimony spent most of the week meditating after finally getting into platinum due to some private time with Glen, but she was allowed to attend Burdock's coming of age party. Burdock somehow managed to grow-up well despite the lack of dates. We met Betony's future husband who is perfect for a lot of jobs. He'll probably be moving in on Tuesday. Glen became quite a handsome elderly man in really sharp cloths and the cat ghosts drove everyone nuts. There was a massive rearranging of furniture in the household to accommodate the increase in ghost traffic and the new grave of the sadly departed Sake, who chose to die an hour later than normal, right in near the front door.

Mob Pay-Off: $15,410
Household Cash: $69,767

You still have time to cast your votes for the new restrictions to lift. I'll be updating how long to leave the poll up because I forgot to calculate how long it would be until Betony became an adult. Not to mention, Knowlton took longer than expected due to some glitches that shouldn't effect this family. Betony should grow-up near the very end of Week 9, so you'll have a few days after this post to vote while I blog Tara Luworld's house. The current vote stands at 3 Gamer/Adventure, 2 Military/Education.

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