Notes from the Author

To view this blog as I intended it, it's best to have your screen resolution set to 1152 x 864. If your screen is set at 800 x 600 I can guarantee that your not seeing the entire pictures. Of course, it's all up to you, but I thought I'd warn you!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Week 4

Day 22 - Monday (Winter)
Well, that's certainly a promising way to start the week!

Darn! I'm a little slow on the button today. Agrimony finally got to max out her cleaning skills. That leaves two more to be maxed out.

"Hello Sake, we still need one more pet, are you perchance interested in the position?"

Welcome to the family Sake!

Genius, Friendly, Agressive

Sorry Bailey, this family definitely does not need a werewolf right now.

Day 23 - Tuesday (Winter)
Feel free Sake, I mean why would you want to use the deluxe scratching post when you can use the cheap bed. Really I don't mind if he destroys it.

Which he did of course. No more destroying furniture though, unless you can destroy the cheap counters.

As you may have noticed, Sake is a rather badly trained pet, but I'm sure we can take care of that quickly.

Well that's new. Agrimony actually rolled up a want to scold Sake, which is the first time I've ever seen that want.

It's finally Tuesday. I'm sure you all know what today is...

Yes, it's the day that Agrimony meets Ivy Cooper.

Just kidding, it's really the day that Glen moves in.

Glen Goldman
Aspiration: Knowledge
LTW: Become Hall of Famer
Neat-2, Outgoing-3, Active-9, Playful-7, Nice-4

Glen's got the oddest LTW I've ever seen on a Knowledge sim. Weird. Glen brought $14,000, 9 Friends, and all of this stuff which I had to sell off since most of it is restricted at the moment.

The most important thing that Glen did however, was to lift the Medical restrictions. He had to rush right off to work though, because he almost missed a day of work!
"Once a leader in the medical field emerges from the family, they lead the Red Cross restoration effort. This restores clean running water to the region and brings supplies of medicine, contraceptives and to the people who need it. The medical restrictions are lifted."

While I was busy with renovations, Agrimony found a job for Sake.

Yay! We have a shower!

And a litter box!

Agrimony spent the rest of the morning restoring some of her friendships.

"Lord and Lady, I'd forgotten just how good a hot shower could feel!"

Agrimony really should be grateful. Most of the culinary outfits really accent her eyes.

Glen got home before Agrimony, so he gets to be Pet Trainer for a few hours. Sake needs to learn to Shake for his next promotion.

Time for a quick wedding in the main room!
*This was a really great thing for Glen because I'd locked his want to marry Agrimony back when they were dating.

If we time this just right Agrimony should be able to keep her job for the rest of this week. Eventually she'll quit it anyway because she really wants to become a Mad Scientist.

Day 24 - Wednesday (Winter)
I just thought this was a wonderful shot of the family's pets all together at once! Even better, they're currently showing all three things that the Condominium can be used for.

I'm sorry Moonshine, I forgot how fast three cats can go through one bowl of food. I'll wake Agrimony up right now to take care of it.

Here's a nice family portrait for all of you. I seem to be getting lots of nice group shots today.
Agrimony and Glen seem to be on the same page underwear wise.

LMAO!!! Sake started chasing Glen all over the house! Glen was less impressed than I was.

I wouldn't look so proud of myself if I were you Glen, she's likely to get nasty about it.

I did warn you Glen, don't mess with a pregnant woman, especially when she's puking. Now you have to do the nasty chores.

Poor Sake, just goes to show he's not the toughest cat around.

Glen, I've got no problem with you becoming a Hall of Famer, but that means you'll have to get in shape. Unfortunately Glen would prefer it if Agrimony was in less good shape. Apparently he finds fitness disgusting.

Yes dear, you're pregnant. Get used to it. You have to have at least two, and I'd prefer three, babies.

Day 25 - Thursday (Winter)
Agrimony somehow finds a few moments to work on Shaking with Sake before she leaves for work.

She finds more time to finish teaching him to shake when she gets home.

Day 26 - Friday (Winter)
We missed Belly Pop #2, but trust me, it happened.

In this house, everything seems to be about making the most of those little five or ten minute moments when there isn't something dire to be done. In Glen's case it's yoga right before work.

For Agrimony it's studying when the pets actually don't need her and her needs haven't bottomed out.

The thirst for knowledge can be a dangerous thing when paired with a pregnant sim and an inattentive "Mouse-Mover"

Day 27 - Saturday (Winter)
Way to go Sake! Even better, no new commands needed for his next promotion.

Time for the next generation....

Welcome to our little corner of Hades, we shall call you Burdock Leaf.

For those of you concerned about Glen's reaction, he's actually happy. I think he was actually thinking of the fact that his son can't go to private school or college when he was holding his head before.

Our sweet little prince deserves a sweet nursery. This one is compliments of Cashcraft of TSR.

"You are so lucky that your daddy is a doctor sweetie."

Wow, look at the fur fly. The two furballs fighting are Sake and Kim, big surprise there.

Glen's not a bad dad, he does most of the feedings. He refuses to change diapers though, so that's Agrimony's job.

Day 28 - Sunday (Winter)
Glen's decided to get ahead of the game a bit, and teach Sake how to rollover today. Seems like a good plan to me, because....

Glen got lucky and found a job in Athletics! That's a mighty big come down from Chief of Staff, but he's served his purpose and now he can pursue his dreams.

Agrimony decided to go play with Burdock right after she put the Grilled Cheese in the toaster oven. You'd think a Celebrity Chef would know to keep an eye on the food.

Congratulations Glen, at least the mascot costume will be a thing of the past.

"I like to call this move Riding-The-Pony"

This week Agrimony adopted Sake who took a job in Service. Glen moved in, thus lifting the Medical restrictions. Agrimony gave birth to a little boy who they named Burdock, and Glen managed to find a job in Athletics. The family's payout to the mob this week was a grand total of $10,724. Ouch! That left the family's spending money at $47,390, so it's not really hurting them yet.


Anonymous said...

Its so cool when a sim comes with loads of cash and stuff. Conrad (aka Mr Big) came with 79 thousand simoleans, a boat load of objects and was chief of staff when he moved in with Mila. So she has a great house, poor Hunter has nothing though. I can't wait to see what Burdock is gonna look like.

I've seen the scold want before, Imani rolled it for Suzi once. Who would ever WANT to scold someone, only in the sims right! I'd say that attempt number two is going better than one so far. Agrimony isn't doing badly at all. Great Update, looking forward to week 5.

Anonymous said...

I'm enjoying this, but did want to leave one little rule nitpick. Selling off the stuff he had in inventory is against the business rule. It would have been better to keep the three biggest items in his inventory, pass the two plants and a mirror to Agrimony or gift them out to a friend, and find an out of the way spot to store the rest.

NightRowan said...

Argh! I seem to be having a really hard time with the rules. I could have sworn that I read somewhere in the regs that it was okay to sell of the illegal items in a new spouse's inventory, but when I went back to find it I couldn't. Not my first mistake and probably not my last. I also bought Agrimony a toaster oven before she was allowed to by accident, and adopted Moonshine before Hopelessness was lifted. In that case I hadn't realized that pets were included in the hopelessness. Oh well, live and learn. Maybe if the Leafs survive their apocalyptic world I'll get around to making another family survive the same torment at my hands and do better with the rules. At least my readers keep me honest and to date have been fairly forgiving of my goofs. Then again, with rules this complicated, I guess there are a lot of people making mistakes. I should have tried the original version for my first Apocalypse instead of adding on Pets and Seasons rules too.